Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SQL: Summarizing and Grouping Data

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Data Summarization

SQL has aggregate functions that allow you to summarize large volumes of data. Summarizing data helps to determine trends. Many times data needs to be summarized with reports. Aggregate functions
take the values of multiple rows grouped together, i.e., values stored in a column, and returns a single value. 

Common aggregate Microsoft SQL functions:

AVG(): Returns the average of data stored in a column

COUNT(*):  Counts the rows in a table (including NULL values)

COUNT (Column name):  Counts the rows in a column (excluding Null values)

FIRST():  Returns the first value stored in a column

LAST():  Returns the last value stored in a column

MAX():  Returns the highest value stored in a column

MIN():  Returns the lowest value stored in a column

SUM():  Returns the sum of values stored in a column

Service Plans
SvcID SvcName SvcDesc SvcPrice DiscountPrice
1 TV TV Plan $64.99 $59.99
2 Phone Home Phone $44.99 $39.99
3 Internet Internet Access $54.99 $49.99
4 Bundle Internet, Router, Unlimited Calling $79.99 $74.99

Create query to find the highest price and the highest discounted price:

SELECT MAX (SvcPrice) AS HighestPrice, MAX (DiscountPrice) AS HighestDiscountPrice
FROM [Service Plans];

HighestPrice HighestDiscountPrice
$79.99 $74.99


Create query to find the lowest price and lowest discounted price:

SELECT MIN (SvcPrice) AS LowestPrice, MIN (DiscountPrice) AS LowestDiscountPrice
FROM [Service Plans];

LowestPrice LowestDiscountPrice
$44.99 $39.99

Create query to find the average price and average discounted price:

SELECT AVG (SvcPrice) AS AvgPrice, AVG (DiscountPrice) AS AvgDiscountPrice
FROM [Service Plans};

AvgPrice AvgPriceDiscountPrice
$61.24 $56.24


Microsoft does not support the DISTINCT function within most functions.
The SELECT statement allows you to use multiple aggregate functions.

Table Creation

Create a table to track customer orders:

PlanID OrderDate CustID
D1002 11/11/1999 4
D1002 11/11/1999 5
w1001 3/15/2001 5
l2003 3/15/2010 6
W1001 3/15/2001 6
L2003 3/15/2010 7
l1001 3/20/2001 8
l2002 7/10/2000 9
l2001 7/10/2000 10
l2004 7/15/2001 11
l2001 7/15/2001 12
L1001 6/1/1999 13
D1101 11/4/2000 14
D1001 11/4/2000 15
D1002 11/4/2000 16
l2001 5/13/2000 17
l2004 5/14/2001 18
I2004 5/15/2001 19
I2001 5/14/2001 20
i2001 5/14/2001 21
12002 5/15/2001 21

Creating Groups

GROUP BY: The GROUP BY clause is is used with aggregate functions to combine groups or rows of data into a single record.

Every keyword specified in the SELECT keyword must also be used in the GROUP BY clause.

Create a query to find the total number of service plans for customers 5 and 6 and then group the results:

SELECT CustID, COUNT (*) AS TotalCount
FROM Orders
WHERE CustID IN (5,6)

CustID TotalCount
5 2
6 2

Create a query to find the last order date for customers 5 and 6 and group the results:

SELECT CustID, MAX (OrderDate) AS LastOrder
FROM Orders
WHERE CustID IN 5,6)

CustID LastOrder
5 3/15/2001
6 3/15/2010

Filtering Groups

HAVING: The HAVING clause is used with the GROUP BY clause to filter groups of data (instead of rows of data) using aggregate functions, such as AVG (), COUNT (), MAX (), MIN (), SUM (). The HAVING clause must be placed after the GROUP BY clause. All column names specified after the SELECT keyword, must be be present in the GROUP BY clause.

Create a query to list customers with at least two service plans:

SELECT CustID, COUNT (*) AS SvcPlans
FROM Orders

CustID SvcPlans
5 2
6 2
21 2

Create a query to find a customers 5 and 6 first OrderDate:

SELECT CustID, MIN (OrderDate) AS FirstOrderDate
FROM Orders
HAVING CustID IN (5,6);

CustID FirstOrderDate
5 11/11/1999
6 3/15/2001

Create a query to find the total number of service plans for customers 5 and 6:

SELECT CustID, COUNT (*) AS TotalCount
FROM Orders
HAVING CustID IN (5,6);

CustID TotalCount
5 2
6 2

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